Bishop Keith Butler

Feb 8

A Legacy of Blessings

And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. (Genesis 24:1)

Genesis 24:1 tells us how things ended for Abraham, the man with whom God cut a covenant. Abraham’s journey of faith was not perfect, but he had four distinct promises from God, which he held onto as he walked by faith.

First, God promised to give Abraham supernatural offspring. This wasn't merely a promise of numerical increase but a divine covenant that would birth nations and generations. It was a family that would bring about the purpose of God on earth.

Second, God promised Abraham a specific land—a real, tangible place that would become the homeland for Abraham's descendants. This land was bigger than the modern nation of Israel, but it included all the current nation and much more surrounding territory.

Third, God promised Abraham personal blessings, saying that God's favor would rest on Abraham in every facet of his life. This would go beyond simply material wealth; it included spiritual and familial blessings as well. Abraham's life became a living testament of what it meant to walk in the blessing.

Last, Abraham would be a conduit of blessing to all nations. Through Abraham's lineage, the world would be introduced to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—a God of love, mercy, and redemption. Jesus, the Messiah, would be one of Abraham’s descendants!

Abraham's life teaches us that obedience precedes blessing. Abraham didn’t always understand what God asked him to do, but he trusted God, even when the Lord asked him to sacrifice his only son!

Practical Application

Abraham’s life illustrates the power of faith and obedience. God wants you to affect the lives of those around you, as Abraham did, with His blessing flowing to you and through you. Look for opportunities to obey quickly, even when you don’t understand and expect God’s blessing to flow!

Genesis 13:2; Psalm 112:1