Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 6, 2023

A Path to a Better Society

Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. (Titus 3:1-2)

Men will never obey things they have no respect for. Honor and respect are the aspects that make any society thrive. People earn our respect through time and evidence of their effort. However, honor is not earned. It is a gift that is given. When we respect those in authority, we are contributing to a culture of order and responsibility.

A lack of honor for authority can have profound consequences for individuals and communities. When people, especially the younger generation, refuse to show honor toward those in authority, it often leads to a breakdown in the social order and a disregard for the rules that maintain a just society.

Where does this breakdown of honor occur? Parents refused to honor authority, so their kids did too. Children often model their behavior on what they witness at home. Thus, parents and guardians have a significant role to play in instilling values of respect and obedience from their children. The refusal to give honor is a societal issue that has brought with it deep-rooted consequences. When you go against God’s way of doing things, the curse and destruction come your way.

Also, don’t allow excuses to make dishonor as a society okay. Poverty doesn’t make people steal, kill, and destroy. It’s a decision that people make to go against God’s way of doing things. Riots, chaos, hatred, and looting are not the results of a poor economy; they happen when people decide to agree with Satan’s program and refuse to sow honor.

When we choose to sow honor toward those around us and those in authority, we uphold Biblical principles and honor the divine order that God has set in place.

Practical Application

Find ways to sow honor every day. You can display it in how you talk to others, in how you care for those around you, regardless of if they deserve respect or not. How can you display honor today?

2 Timothy 2:21; Ecclesiastes 10:4