Bishop Keith Butler

Jan 14

A Serious Issue

Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. (Jude 1:11)

Anytime you see the word woe used in Scripture, you should pay close attention. God is trying to highlight a danger, a warning, and a considerable issue for us to avoid.

Here, through Jude, the Holy Spirit warned us about those who abandon their faith, their teaching, and their wisdom in order to secure financial gain.

Many times, I have seen believers decide to go against what God told them because it would bring them a raise or a bonus, or because it would provide them a better place to live, or even would give them a more popular reputation with friends, family, or co-workers.

Sacrificing obedience for money, things, or ego is incredibly dangerous, and lying to God about it is equally disastrous.

The Book of Acts records the account of a couple named Ananias and Sapphira. This couple was a part of the early church in Jerusalem, where certain believers were led by the Holy Spirit to sow tremendous offerings and nearly everyone sacrificed in big ways for the church to expand.

No one was forced to do so. They simply gave as God led. However, this couple saw the honor that others were given and wanted the same recognition and honor, but without the same amount of sacrifice.

When it came time to give, they lied and said they gave the totality of what their house sold for, but in reality, they held back a portion for themselves. They had the right to hold back whatever they wanted and to give whatever they wanted, but they lied to the Holy Ghost and pretended they did. When they lied to the leaders of the church, they died instantly. This issue is serious.

Practical Application

The most important job we have as believers is to obey the Holy Spirit. When you feel led to do something, do it immediately. When you hear the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, listen and follow. Do not sacrifice obedience for money.

2 Peter 2:15; Acts 5:3