Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 16, 2023

An Eternal Perspective

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2 Peter 3:8)

We live in a world where every second counts. Everything is fast-paced, and a microwave can’t seem to cook food fast enough. In a world like ours, patience is a long-forgotten virtue. It’s comforting then, for Peter to explain this amazing truth about God the Father and His concept of time.

Peter said one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is just like a day. Too often, we're consumed by the urgency of every single task in our daily lives. We want answers, solutions, and results immediately. But God operates on an entirely different timescale. To Him, a thousand years are but a single day, and a day is as a thousand years. This perspective offers us insights into how God sees things that we often miss.

First, it highlights God's patience and long-suffering. When we grow restless waiting for prayers to be answered or for circumstances to change, God remains steady and unwavering. He sees time differently and uses every moment for His purpose. Our waiting is not in vain; it's an opportunity for us to grow in faith and reliance on Him.

Second, Peter lets us know about God's wisdom. He sees the big picture that we often miss because of our own shortsightedness. What seems like a delay or a setback to us might be part of a grand design we can't quite see yet because of our finite nature of understanding time. God's timing is always perfect, and it aligns with His divine plan.

As we journey through life, facing uncertainties, delays, and challenges, we need to remember that God's perspective is not bound by our limited understanding of time. He's working in our lives and in the world according to His timetable, which is always perfect.

Practical Application

When you feel frustrated or impatient, find peace in knowing that God sees your situation from an eternal vantage point. Stay faithful in using words of faith and know that He's orchestrating events that are ultimately for our good and His glory.

Psalm 90:4; Psalm 39:5