Bishop Keith Butler

May 18

Awe and Humility

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. (Proverbs 22:4)

Humility is not weakness; it is power under control. It’s acknowledging that our understanding is limited and that God’s wisdom and God’s way is better than anything we can come up with. I am positive that although I have experience and some knowledge, I do not know it all. However, I can still be confident because I know the One Who does.

Proverbs 22:4 talks about the fear of the Lord. This does not mean that we are supposed to be afraid of God. Fear means a reverential respect and honor. It is being in awe of God and His Word. It’s recognizing God’s wisdom and aligning our lives to follow His way.

When you hear of the prophets in the Old Testament who would encounter the Lord, their proper response was awe, wonder, and repentance. They had a heart of humility, expecting God to show them His wisdom, so they surrendered all they thought they knew at His feet.

Submitting to God’s wisdom by honoring and following Him always brings reward. Proverbs 22:4 says that riches, honor, and life are the blessings that come from a humble, awe-filled heart.

  • Riches - This is not just talking about a six or seven-figure bank account. The riches that come from God go well beyond financial gain and allow us to live in a way where we want nothing because His hand is upon everything we do.

  • Honor - Honor comes to us because our name is connected with His. We expect and believe for a good name in our community because of how we live a life of integrity with God.

  • Life - God’s life means more than simply breathing and moving. The life that God wants us to have is one of purpose and power. The life God desires for you to have is one where you are seeing God’s kingdom and will be done on earth the same way that it is done in Heaven.

Proverbs 22:7 is not just about financial wisdom; it’s about our allegiance. Whom do you serve? God or mammon? What’s more important to you? The kingdom of God or the god of this world? Where your interest goes matters.

Practical Application

Embrace your awe of God today. Look at nature, or your own hand, or the people God has placed in your life. Pause and wonder at His handiwork and His wisdom.

Psalm 34:9; Isaiah 33:6