Bishop Keith Butler

Feb 26

Beware of Flatterers

To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words; Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God.

(Proverbs 2:16-17)

It always feels good to have someone say you did a good job, that you look good, or to praise you for something. However, being deceived by someone who uses flattery is a genuine problem in our world and one that we should not take lightly. Solomon, in his book of wisdom, cautioned us about a person who is a “flatterer.”The term flattereth in this verse implies someone who has smoothness in speech and the ability to charm and deceive with enticing words.

The flatterer is defined further in this verse as someone who abandons the principles and values instilled in their youth and disregards their covenant with God. When someone praises you, pay attention to their character. If they do not hold onto God’s principles or if they once walked with God, but no longer believe in the values they once held, their words of flattery are a trap.It’s vital that believers learn to discern the authenticity of any applause and praise we receive. If you do not live for the flattery of men, you won’t be crushed by the critics, either. Take the time to observe the fruit of character of those around you, not just their words of praise. Relationships built on a foundation of shared values and a shared commitment to following God will last and help you move forward in what God has planned for you.

Practical Application

Take a critical evaluation of the people in your life. Do the fruit of their lives line up to what you want in yours? If not, do not take their praise too highly or their critiques too seriously. Listen to those who have shown results with their faith.

Proverbs 7:5; Ecclesiastes 7:26