Bishop Keith Butler

Jan 13

Brute Beasts of Basic Belief

But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. (Jude 1:10)

Knowledge that comes from God’s Word leads to wisdom, but having knowledge of God’s Word also makes you responsible for living it.

Jude 1:10 talks about believers who have lost their way when it comes to what they minister and speak. They speak evil of things they don’t really understand and declare things over situations they have never researched in God’s Word or received His wisdom about.

These individuals, Jude wrote about, used to teach the Word clearly and spoke truth and wisdom from the Holy Ghost, but over time, they developed wrong motives. They spoke against people and situations about which they had no revelation, so the anointing lifted off of them. Jude likened them to brute beasts, driven by their basic instincts rather than wisdom from the Holy Ghost. It was a stark warning about the degradation that can occur when someone loses sight of accurate knowledge from God’s Word.

The illustrative image of brute beasts is powerful. Animals are devoid of reason and operate on pure natural instinct alone. In the same way, false teachers act out in ignorance and emotions. They act as if they alone have the truth of understanding, a knowledge that, in reality, is devoid of divine illumination.

Ignorance, in Jude’s context, is not simply a lack of information, but a deliberate choice to operate without revelation from the Holy Ghost. The consequence of this type of life is a self-inflicted corruption—a decay of the spirit that happens when people stop seeking God and serve only their emotions and fleshly instincts.

Practical Application

Don’t speak or act in emotions or define “truth” devoid of the Word or wisdom from the Holy Ghost. When you hear of a situation, or are given information about something, pray in the Spirit; search the Word, and get His wisdom before anything else.

Romans 1:22; 1 Corinthians 2:14