Bishop Keith Butler

Dec 3, 2023

Common Communion

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation. (Jude 1:3a)

The first part of the third verse of Jude’s epistle alerts us that salvation is a treasure all Christians share. The Greek word for common in this verse is koinos, and it means mutual sharing, shared property, or the shared benefits of a relationship. God’s blessings are not for a select few ultra-religious characters. It’s not for the highest spenders or for the most connected families.

The word salvation, sotieria in Greek, carries and expresses the idea of deliverance, healing, preservation, safety, prosperity, and well-being.

God doesn’t have favorites. The kingdom of God is not about “big I’s or little you’s.” Jesus died for all, and salvation is a gift to all believers.

So, if you see a Christian thriving and blessed, rejoice! Since God is no respecter of persons, whatever He did for them, He can do for you! God is a respecter of faith! When you act on God’s Word, you will get results!

Celebrate with those whom God has blessed! Congratulate them.

One of the greatest ways to measure your maturity in faith is how we react when favor finds our friend while you are still standing in faith!

We should rejoice knowing that we are partakers of God’s goodness, healing, and provision, because those things are common to all believers in Jesus!

Practical Application

Ask the Holy Spirit to put someone on your heart that you are supposed to pray for this week and stand in faith for something they are believing for. Expect a change to happen in their life and celebrate when you see it come to pass.

Acts 4:12; Acts 17:3