Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 14

Compassion in Action

He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. (Proverbs 14:31)

Oppression is a very serious word, especially when used in the Bible. It’s something that demonic forces do. People that are influenced by the enemy or the world’s system also use oppression to control, take advantage of, and manipulate others. Oppressors violate, purposely deceive, defraud, and act in violence toward the poor.

The writer of this Proverb tells us the person who uses their position or platform to oppress those who are less fortunate reproaches God. The word reproacheth in the Hebrew is charaph and means to defame, upbraid, defy, blaspheme, and upbraid.

It is dangerous for anyone to use their power, platform, or position to use and manipulate those who look to them for support and wisdom. God will repay every oppressive act used against the poor.

However, this verse not only talks about the negativity of oppression but also the blessings that come from mercy. For the person who has mercy toward the poor, God will show great honor. The word mercy in the Hebrew is chanan and it means to show favor, to bend or stoop in kindness, to have pitty upon. This describes someone who will help those who are less fortunate without judging them or requiring repayment.

God promises to bestow honor upon the person who acts mercifully.

Honor in the Hebrew is the word kabad and means to boast in and to make weighty. God wants to boast in His children and make their name great - especially when we are blessing, helping, and supporting the poor.

Practical Application

How can you help, pray for, and support the poor? Does your church have a benevolence fund that helps the poor? Ask the Holy Spirit how He wants you to support the poor and follow His lead.

Proverbs 17:5: Proverbs 22:2