Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 1, 2023

Conquer Evil with Good

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)

Even unbelievers know the world is full of evil today. Evil is supported on every device, every screen, and every platform in our nation. However, we have the tendency to believe that somehow, evil is more prevalent today than it was ever before. That’s simply not the case. In Paul’s day, Rome was the capital of perversion, moral decay, and provocative lifestyles. So how did Paul suggest the Romans combat the surrounding evil? Simply, do good. At first glance, this might seem like a challenging task. How can we possibly overcome the darkness of evil with something as simple as “good”?

To be overcome by evil means to succumb to its influence and let it shape our actions and reactions. It's a trap many fall into by responding to negativity with more negativity, and allowing bitterness and anger to fester. However, the Word of God calls us to a different way of living. When someone wrongs us or when we witness injustice, our natural inclination may be to retaliate or harbor ill feelings. However, God's way is to respond with love, forgiveness, and acts of kindness. It's not about being weak; it's about tapping into the extraordinary power of God's love.

The beauty of this approach is that it doesn't rely solely on our own strength. It invites God into the equation. When we choose goodness over evil, we open the door for His grace to work miracles in our lives and in the lives of others. When you do it God’s way, you get God’s involvement in the situation. God's goodness has the power to transform hearts, heal wounds, and break the cycle of hatred. When we respond to evil with good, we become instruments of His peace, bringing light to even the darkest of situations.

Practical Application

You can bring God’s power into a situation. When you face negativity or wrongdoing against you, choose to respond with kindness, forgiveness, and love. By doing so, you not only overcome evil with good in your own life, but you are also setting an example that can inspire others to follow God’s Word and see Him transform their lives.

1 Peter 3:9; Proverbs 16:32