Bishop Keith Butler

Dec 4, 2023

Contend for the Faith

It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 1:3b)

Jude’s use of the word contend in this verse is very important. This word in the Greek is epagonizomai and describes someone fighting with all their might to win a fight. It’s the idea of two wrestlers locked in a no-holds-bared, fierce death match with no rules. It’s a fight with everything on the line.

In one corner stand the champions of truth, those who are holding true to the Word of God.

In the other corner are the false teachers in the world, who purposely bringing deception.

Jude’s language is not just poetic. It’s a vivid picture of exactly what is going on in the spiritual realm. He said that your faith is under assault and the battle would not be easy or simple; it would be intense.

Now, our battle is not against people, but against falsehood and deception. It’s a fight to keep our faith pure and uncompromised.

The world is constantly shifting their values. Modern unbiblical philosophies rise to popularity almost every day. It is in this mindset of moving away from Scripture that Jude was telling you and me to fight. He instructed us to fight for our faith, and to defend the Word of God with all our might.

Our faith is not supposed to be based on an evolving doctrine or a flexible belief system.

Our faith is not to be subject to our whims or emotions.

The faith that we have is to be solid and firm, resolute on the Word of God.

Jude emphasized that our faith was delivered once to believers. That word is hapax in Greek, and it means finality and perfection. It needs no alterations. It doesn’t need any amendments. It doesn’t need any improvement. It doesn’t need any modification or revelation added to it.

Practical Application

Make it a point to spend time in the Word every day. Begin every day in God’s Word and remind yourself of it all day long. The only way to contend for the faith is to stand on the Word of God.

Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 15:3