Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 17, 2023

Edify Our Neighbors

Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. (Romans 15:2-3)

The surrounding culture today celebrates self-centeredness and personal promotion. Selfies and influencers dominate online. Personal gain, which helps one climb the corporate ladder, is the goal of most business deals. This is not unlike the world that Paul was dealing with as he wrote the epistle to the Romans. However, he called for a dramatic shift in the focus for believers: from one of self-serving to selflessness.

Paul encouraged his readers to consider the needs and growth of others, placing your neighbors’ edification above your own desires. That doesn’t mean that we are to neglect our own responsibilities, self-care, or forfeit our dreams and goals. Instead, it highlights the beauty of compassion and faith-based sacrificial love.

The ultimate example of this type of selflessness is found in Jesus Himself. The Scriptures remind us that Jesus’ focus was to be a servant to humanity. His life was a living story of love in action. He was willing to "take the hit" for us—enduring the reproaches, insults, and sufferings that rightfully belonged to each of us because of our sins.

As followers of Christ, we are called to live with the same attitude of selflessness. We can choose to focus on the needs of those around us, whether they are family, friends, neighbors, or strangers, instead of just doing life on our own. We aren’t just called to tolerate those around us, but truly seeking to uplift and encourage others.

When we live to be examples of edification, we become instruments of God's love and grace to the world. Being vessels of God’s love impacts those we serve, but also transforms us, making us more like Him.

Practical Application

This week, choose to prioritize the edification and well-being of those around you, just as Christ did for us. In doing so, we not only honor His example but also take part in His redemptive work, bringing hope, healing, and love to a world in need.

Psalm 69:9; 1 Corinthians 13:5