Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 22

Embrace Correction

He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. (Proverbs 29:1)

The wisdom of Proverbs 29:1 explains the danger of refusing to listen to the Word and God’s guidance. Such a person walks into destruction so fast that they can’t fix it.As we follow God, we will find ourselves in moments of correction. Gentle nudges from the Holy Spirit prompt us towards alignment with God's perfect will. He will lead you to connections and divine appointments, where others will give you words of advice that you’ve been praying for. These moments, though sometimes challenging, offer us opportunities to grow, transform, and become more aligned with God and His plans for our lives.

When God brings correction, He invites us into an opportunity of sacrifice and surrender that allows us to get aligned with the blessings and benefits that come from obedience to God’s will.Every faith-filled believer should embrace moments of correction and refinement from the Holy Spirit. Every time He brings correction, it is from a heart of love, designed to mold us into the image of Christ.

Cultivate a spirit of humility and gratitude by accepting and obeying reproof from God. See it as an invitation to become more like Him.

It is only in humility and obedience that we find wisdom.

It is only in correction with love that we discover growth.

As we accept His correction and align with God's will, we will discover the joy of a life fully surrendered to Him.

Practical Application

When you are being corrected by someone you respect and honor, remember the purpose of the correction. It’s not against your character; it is to help align you more perfectly with God’s purpose and plan for your life. Welcome correction and embrace it with honor.

Proverbs 1:24; 2 Timothy 3:16