Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 27, 2023

Embracing the Weak

Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. (Romans 14:1-2)

The key word in this verse is receive. Paul encouraged the strong believers to embrace those who were not as strong in their faith. We should not engage in arguments or lengthy discussions on things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Instead, we should honor and embrace those who are not yet mature in their faith while encouraging them in the Word.

The first century church had Christians from many cultures and religious backgrounds. Their various backgrounds brought a diversity of beliefs into the church. including ideas about dietary practices, celebration of holidays, and worship style. With dietary requirements, some Christians believed everything was okay to eat now that they were free in Christ Jesus and not under the Law of Moses. Many of those from a Jewish background, however, felt it was wrong to eat certain things. They believed they could only eat herbs or vegetables because Jewish believers couldn't always discern the source of the meat in the market. Was it sacrificed to an idol? Was it killed in an unclean way? They were weak in faith because they still living according to Mosaic law, and not in their freedom in Christ.

However, Paul didn’t say Christians should look down on them or berate them for their lack of understanding of doctrine and faith. He said that those who were strong were called to embrace, not condemn, those who were weaker in faith or understanding.

Living a life that glorifies God and honors others doesn’t require everyone to be at the same level of spiritual maturity. It's about creating a space where everyone is encouraged to grow, to hear from the Holy Spirit and learn from God’s Word the truth of how to live our lives in faith.

Practical Application

Who can you support today? Is there someone new to faith, or weak in understanding that you can encourage to come to church this Sunday with you? Ask the Holy Spirit to put someone on your heart that you can encourage and pray for to become stronger in their faith.

1 Corinthians 9:22; 1 Corinthians 3:1