Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 23, 2023

Empowered with Hope

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:13)

Romans 15:13 introduces us to a powerful title of God. He is the God of hope. It signifies that hope originates from God. When we truly have faith in Him, we believe and change our attitude from doubt toward hope.

Paul prayed that the God of hope would fill us, His children, with two precious gifts: joy and peace. These gifts are not random but are directly connected to our behavior and attitude. When we believe in God's promises, trust in His divine plan, and have faith in His goodness, joy and peace naturally flow into our hearts. You are not living sad, bad, mad, and discouraged.

However, Paul didn’t stop there. He said that when we have the attitude of peace and joy, we would abound in hope. This means more than just having a glimmer of hope; it means having an abundance of it. It’s hope that overflows from our hearts and spills over into the lives of those around us.

Hope is having a positive outlook about every situation. When we hope, we decide to not just believe, but to allow our belief to change our attitude.

But some may say, “That sounds good for others, but you don’t know how bad my situation is. I don’t think there’s any way I can naturally have hope.” I’ve got good news for you! Hope doesn’t come from you. Paul said that hope comes through the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we invite the Holy Spirit into our situations and ask Him to guide us, He not only fills us with hope, but also empowers us to share that hope with others. We become vessels of hope in a world often filled with depression and despair.

Practical Application

If you're feeling angry, worried, or hopeless, pray in the Holy Ghost right away. He will fill you with hope. Allow the hope He gives to change your attitude and your outlook.

Romans 12:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:17