Bishop Keith Butler

May 6

Evaluate your Friendships

The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends. (Proverbs 14:20)

What a telling verse of wisdom! The poor, Solomon noted, are hated, alienated, and looked down upon, even by the people who grew up around them. Even the neighbors who are in the same financial situation look down on a poverty-stricken person.

When I didn’t have any money, people never treated me with respect. The moment people found out I had money, they expressed a completely different attitude and level of respect when they said my name.

The wealthier you, the more so called “friends” you will have. Understand that the friends you gain that way are never real friends. They will hang around you during your success, hoping to get something from you, but when you need help, support, or funds, they are nowhere to be found.

The Bible says that real friends are there for you in times of trouble. If they wouldn’t ride with you on the bus, you shouldn’t want them riding with you in your fancy new ride.

It’s imperative that you evaluate your friendships and don’t have people in your life who will treat you differently based on your financial account status.

Real, godly friendships are not forged during the times of blessing, but in the fires of adversity. It is in times of need, when we struggle and seek help, that the character of genuine friendship is revealed. Loyalty, empathy, and sacrificial love characterize godly friends. When you find those friends, keep them.

Practical Application

Evaluate your friendships. Are they people who truly want you to grow closer to God and help you achieve His will in your life, or are they there to take from you and enjoy what you have to offer? Choose Godly friends.

Job 6:21; Esther 5:11