Bishop Keith Butler

Apr 18

Extinguishing Strife

Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife. (Proverbs 26:20-21)

Fire can be beneficial and helpful, but a fire can also be disastrous and destructive. Proverbs 26:20-21 is talking about the latter. The presence of gossip and a talebearer fuels and fans the flames of contention and strife. The opposite is also true. The absence of gossip and slander quenches the flames of discord. Getting people who stir up strife out of your life will bring about peace and harmony.

As believers, we need to cultivate discernment and wisdom in who we allow in our lives and how we talk with others. That means purposely refraining from engaging in gossip or spreading harmful rumors. Instead, let us be agents of peace, seeking to build up rather than tear down through our words and actions.

I have witnessed firsthand the destructive power of gossip and slander in fueling strife among friends, family, and colleagues. I have also experienced the power of those who decide to speak words of faith, peace, and love.

God will put you in the middle of situations that are getting heated, and the Holy Spirit will speak to you to either get out of the situation, to distance yourself from someone who keeps making fires, or to speak faith or peace into a situation to deescalate what is happening.

You have power in your speech, but so do others. That’s why it is vital to limit who you allow to be close to you.

Practical Application

Pay close attention to the words of those around you. Are most of their words complaints, gossip, and hate-filled words? If so, you need to ask the Holy Spirit if He would have you say something to help them change or should you distance yourself so you won’t get burned.

Proverbs 16:28; Proverbs 22:10