Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 24

Follow the Spirit, Not Your Flesh

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

You should not allow anger to dictate your choices.

I am alive today because I listened to God on several occasions when the enemy tried to kill me and since I listened to God rather than follow my emotions, I’m still here.

Never make a decision in anger. Don’t marry someone because you are angry with your last relationship. Don’t get a new job simply because you are angry at an old boss. You want to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by your emotions.

Think about the motives that guide your decisions. Are you doing them to please God or to please your flesh? As believers, we are called to cultivate a spirit characterized by patience and obedience.

Even faith-filled, tongue-talking believers can put themselves in the hands of the enemy if they decide to operate based on their flesh rather than listening to and following the pull of the Holy Spirit. One of the most important skills you can develop on this side of eternity is the ability to quickly hear and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. He is always speaking, but we aren’t always listening.

Aligning ourselves with God’s plan is the only way to walk in all the benefits and blessings that God has already planned for you.

So, when your emotions begin to flare up, pause and think for a moment, “Am I allowing my emotions to control me? Or am I walking in the peace of God that brings His benefits and blessings into my life?”

Practical Application

The next time you find yourself on the brink of a decision fueled by anger, take a moment to pause. Instead of reacting impulsively, intentionally step back, and reflect. Ask yourself: “Is this decision aligned with God's will and wisdom?”

Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8