Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 1, 2023

Freedom from Judgment in Christ

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days. (Colossians 2:15-16)

The world is quick to judge, dishonor, and cancel those who do not think, believe, or speak like they do. In a simple but powerful statement, Paul told the Colossae church that legalistic judgments were not what God wanted.

Paul reminded believers that the Mosaic law no longer applied to those in Christ, but if people desired to follow them, they could. While the dietary laws, for example, could never save them, personal convictions about continuing to practice them should not be used to judge a believer in the New Testament.

Paul's statement acknowledged that Jesus conquered demonic forces in a powerful triumph! This public display of triumph was a demonstration of our freedom from sin, death, and the grave! Jesus’ victory has also liberated us from the burden of the Jewish religious laws and regulations. We are no longer bound by dietary rules or specific holy days. Instead, our focus shifts from sacrificial observances to a heart of obedience and devotion because of our relationship with Jesus.

As we grow into mature believers, we need to remember to extend mercy to one another. Some may hold fast to traditions, while others embrace new expressions of worship. What matters is that, in Christ, a common faith and a shared love for Jesus and God’s Word unite us.

Practical Application

When you don’t understand why a fellow Christian worships in a certain way, ask them. Have a respectful dialogue based on God’s Word. Don’t judge but rather seek understanding so you can pray for them to grow in revelation knowledge and wisdom.

Hebrews 9:10; John 16:11