Bishop Keith Butler

Dec 9, 2023

Hear from the Lord

My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. (James 3:1)

James gave a warning to those who seek positions of leadership. He said, “Don’t be so quick to make that jump to the top.” He said there would be a greater condemnation to those who stand in leadership positions if they don’t listen and respond to what God is saying.

Condemnation is the Greek word krima and means something clearly foretold; it also means a judicial verdict. So, those who lead others must listen to God because they will suffer greater judgement for ignoring God’s direction and commands.

God is in constant communication with us. He speaks in many ways: the inner voice (which is a still small voice in our hearts), the inner witness (a nudge of the Holy Spirit to go a certain direction) but most importantly, God speaks to us through His Word.

Too many Christians don’t listen to what God has said in His Word and want to attempt to negotiate with God by hearing His audible voice about something God already clearly stated in His Word.

God speaks to us, not to instill fear in us, but to give us a chance to correct course and follow His perfect will. When we hear from Him through the Holy Ghost or through His Word, we shouldn’t try to negotiate with God. His Word is final, and His Truth is unchanging.

The condemnation upon leaders that James warned about is for those who neglect God’s warning and dismiss the wisdom of His Word. As sons and daughters of God, we are all called to hear and obey the Word of the Lord. As we mature in our faith, God expects even more.

Practical Application

Take time daily to listen and respond to the Word of the Lord. He may speak to you while you’re in prayer, through the nudge of the inner witness, or as you read His Word. Never let a day go by without hearing from God.

Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:36