Bishop Keith Butler

May 19

Hear from Wisdom

Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. (Proverbs 23:4)

Proverbs 23:4 challenges the mindset of chasing after riches and tells us we should instead do whatever our labor is for the purpose of being used by God. At your workplace, you will see people hustle, strategize, and manipulate to get greater financial gain, yet, just like a mirage in the desert, wealth deceives them. They think that once they get that promotion and more money, life will be better. Instead, they find themselves dry, parched, and disappointed with their pursuit in the end.

I know many people who have gained fortunes from businesses only to find that they were spiritually, mentally, and emotionally poor because they had become slaves to their ambitions and bank account and would not listen to the wisdom of those who have gone before them and made the same mistakes.

The second part of this Proverb has strong words for those who work so hard to be rich. In common English, it could read, “Stop trying to figure it out from your own mind.” Wisdom isn’t found in our own ambitions or our constant striving for more success, more accumulation, and more opportunities. God’s wisdom is found in His Word and in wise counsel. That’s why God gave us the command to honor our parents. It’s not just about respect; it’s an invitation to tap into the wisdom they have from a lifetime of experience. Elders carry valuable insights by sharing their victories, their mistakes and the hard lessons they learned in life.

It’s pride that blinds us from the wisdom and wealth that we truly have at our disposal. If you really want to be wise, be humble. Listen to those God has placed in your life, especially those who are older than you are. God’s desire for your life is not scarcity, but rather His desire is for abundance. He wants you to have a continual wealth flow, but that is not just in finances. He desires an abundance of love, purpose, and legacy to flow through you.

Practical Application

Who is an elder in your life that you should listen to? Ask questions and hear from their insights as they share with you the depth of riches and experience has given them.

Proverbs 28:20; Isaiah 5:21