Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 18

Housetop Living

It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. (Proverbs 21:9)

Proverbs is a book of wisdom. Many of the proverbs have to do with relationships. Here, in Proverbs 21:9, wisdom is offered to those who are married or desiring to be married.

The Proverb says that even if you have an expensive, large house, it’s better to live in the corner of your rooftop with peace and solitude than to live in the chaos that comes from a wife that is always trying to start fights and keep them going.

Choosing who you will marry is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. When you’re dating, be aware! Someone who is prone to fighting and complains about others to you is telling you this is exactly what they will be like toward you when you get married.

In fact, Proverbs repeats this wisdom three times in its pages. Any time the Bible says something three times in the same book, you need to pay attention. What is the wise writing telling us? Avoid the contentious and the brawling because they will disrupt the peace of your life.

For our single brothers, this wisdom is significantly important. Choose carefully who you do life with. You may work hard at gaining a beautiful house with many things. But that abundance will be lost if discord is within its walls.

Seek people who choose peace over quarrels. Seek those who enjoy contentment over conflict. Seek relationships with people who are peacemakers, not complainers. In the right, godly relationship, you will have ups and downs, but you should always have peace.

Practical Application

Be mindful of warning signs that people show before you enter a romantic relationship or a friendship. Are they prone to conflict? Do they look for solutions to find peace or are they constantly complaining about others to you? Do not be in a relationship with someone who is blatantly looking to engage in and embrace chaos.

Proverbs 21:19; Proverbs 27:15