Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 7

Legacy of the Just

The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him. (Proverbs 20:7)

When you hear the word legacy, what do you think?

Maybe you think of a famous sports personality that is known long after they leave the game.

Maybe you think of someone who started a business, and their family can take it over and lead it for many years after they are gone.

But have you considered the importance of the legacy of a person’s character?

Proverb 20:7 says that a man’s integrity (or his innocence) directly affects the next generation's future.

When parents bring their children to church to be dedicated, I make it a point to tell the parents that how their children live their life will not depend on their pastor or even the Word that is preached on a Sunday. The greatest determining factor on how children live their life is how they see their parents living and acting.

Even if you don’t have children, or if your children are already grown, the next generation still looks to you. They watch how you handle stressful situations. They mimic the words that come out of your mouth. They will apply how you treat others to their own relationships as they grow older.

Like it or not, you are already leaving a legacy. Will those who follow you speak life or death? Will they walk in blessings or cursings? Will they see the blessings of the Lord, or will they live with the burden of their sins?

Practical Application

When you are tempted to speak in a way that is contrary to your faith, act in a way that will hurt or harm others or make it a point to act in a way that is contrary to the Word of God, realize that you are damaging more than your reputation when you do. You are leaving a legacy with your actions.

Proverbs 29:22; Psalm 112:2