Bishop Keith Butler

Jan 24

Motives Matter

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Many Christians read this verse incorrectly and say that money is the root of all evil, decrying anyone who makes more than they. They want to throw out any preacher who shares the Biblical message about prosperity. 1 Timothy 6:10 is not talking about the physical cash or bank account balance someone has accrued. The issue is when money becomes the love of our lives. Love, as described in 1 Corinthians 13, is selfless and does not seek self-promotion or aggrandizement. The motivation behind our actions matters.

1 Timothy 6:10 warns against those who, driven by self-interest and a desire for self-promotion, lead others astray.

The Biblical principle of sowing and reaping is a circular dynamic that echoes throughout Scripture. It emphasizes that to receive, we must first give. The giving of love begets love, the giving of joy begets joy, and the giving of financial blessings begets prosperity. It's a divine circle where the motive behind our actions determines the nature of the return. However, it’s not just about the action, it must be about the motive.

Don’t play God like He’s the lotto or a slot machine. We must not play the game of “if I give this much, I’ll get this much back.”  That cannot be our motive. I had a friend in college who sowed his beat-up car to someone because he wanted to get a new one. God didn’t tell him to do it and he wasn’t motivated by love to do it. He wanted God to give him something. Guess what happened? He walked the rest of our time in college. Why? The power of God doesn’t work with the wrong motives. Motives are the compass of our actions. Even a seemingly benevolent act loses its power if it is driven by selfish intentions.

Practical Application

In the realm of giving, whether to ministries or individuals, your heart must be right. It must express love and come from a desire to bless others. As you give this week, check your heart, and make sure you focus on being a blessing and loving the people or ministries you are sowing into.

Mark 10:29-30; Luke 6:38