Bishop Keith Butler

Dec 24, 2023

Pursue God’s Wisdom

I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. (Jude 1:5)

There are always negative consequences for rejecting God’s wisdom.

God says that He wants to put some people “in remembrance” through the writing of Jude. That means He is talking to people who already know. They have already been taught. They know what God’s wisdom says and dictates.

The people Jude is writing to know the story of the people of Israel who refused to accept God’s wisdom, but they have forgotten it because they have become so caught up in their own issues and problems that they thought they needed to come up with a “better way.”

When kids are young, they often think they know better than their parents, and they rebel against their elders’ wisdom.

Jude reminded his readers of the wilderness journey the Israelites took after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt. When problems showed up in the middle of God’s provision, the Israelites chose not to believe God and came up with their own solution: “Let’s go back to Egypt.” They spoke their doubt and frustrations about the problem more than they declared their faith in God’s goodness. Their lack of faith led to a wilderness journey that lasted forty years, and the death of the faithless generation.

In our own lives, we too face moments of adversity and uncertainty. These are opportunities to either listen to and embrace God's wisdom, or to reject it and try to figure it out in our own way.

Decide to pursue God’s wisdom. Hear His Word and speak only faith. Then you will see the results of God’s goodness showing up in every area of your life.

Practical Application

When you feel worried, anxious, or stressed, ask yourself out loud, “What does God’s Word say?” Tell yourself that you will ONLY speak what God says and refuse to allow doubt to come out of your mouth.

Psalm 106:26; 1 Corinthians 10:1