Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 8, 2023

Refuse to be a Blocker

Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. (Romans 14:13)

In Romans 14:13, Paul called the church to rethink their approach to how they judge others. We shouldn't force our convictions on others. Rather, we should share the Word, assess our own actions, and avoid causing stumbling blocks for other believers.

I was recently in a certain European country, and they were thoughtful to put all their wine and alcohol away when they knew I was coming. Why? I wouldn’t have held that against them because it was a part of tradition in that nation for the last 1000 years. Then why did they put it away? They didn’t want a stumbling block to be put in front of Keith Butler. They did it for my benefit. They acted out of love.

Our convictions are important, even if something isn't inherently unclean or sinful, as the Apostle Paul reminded us. What one person thinks of as clean, another may think of being unclean. In those instances, we should not be so focused on proving that we are right, but more focused on how I can help and love the people God placed in my life.

As a Christian, genuine love should be demonstrated through actively living in a way that we avoid being a stumbling block to others. Abstain when necessary, help where we can, and support others with love.

Practical Application

Refuse to be a stumbling block for other believers. Reflect on your attitude and actions today. Ask yourself, “Am I quick to judge others more than I’m eager to build them up?” Make it a point to prioritize how you can lift up others and support them.

Matthew 7:1; Isaiah 57:14