Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 9, 2023

Respecting Authority

Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. (Romans 13:5)

Christians in this country have done a poor job of living out a true respect for positions of authority. Remember that our respect for authority should never be contingent upon our personal preferences or our designated political affiliations. Personal preferences or political affiliations should not sway our respect for authority.

Whether or not we agree with our leaders, and whether or not we like them, God calls us to honor the positions they hold. When we honor the position, not necessarily the person or their decisions, we display Godly character. This shows the world what it looks like to live our faith in a way that honors God. Even in times of political tension and division, we are called to be a source of peace and a shining example of godliness.

As Christians, we are called to pray for our leaders, irrespective of our political stance. Our prayers can have a significant impact on promoting peace and righteousness in our nation.

Ultimately, our responsibility is to lead lives characterized by respect for authority because we want to please God. When we live this way, we not only fulfill God’s will but we also lead as an example to the world. We create an atmosphere of honor that changes things.

As you engage with the authority figures in your life, remember that your actions and attitudes matter. Your respect for authority, rooted in your faith in God, is a testimony to the world of what a life of faith looks like. Through prayer and honor, we create a climate of peace and righteousness, fulfilling our role as ambassadors of Christ in a world marked by hate and disrespect.

Practical Application

Take time to pray for your president today. Pray for his protection, that he is surrounded by wise counsel and his relationship with God.

1 Timothy 2:1; Ecclesiastes 8:2