Bishop Keith Butler

May 22

Seeking True Wealth

Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. (Proverbs 23:5-7)

Proverbs 23:5-7 explains that material wealth isn’t sustainable. It uses the metaphor of your money sprouting wings and soaring away like an eagle towards heaven. It doesn’t stay. Money comes and goes, and if we are grasping for it, it will leave us empty and constantly yearning for something more substantial.

The Proverb also warns against coveting the possessions of those with an evil eye. That means those whose hearts are not aligned with God and have no generosity in their heart. When people pursue wealth at the expense of integrity, they end up empty.

In this day and age, success is often defined by how many things we possess. People try to prove that they’re wealthy by showing off material abundance. It's easy for believers to get caught up in the pursuit of possessions, trying to prove their worth or even their faith.

Open any app or turn on any TV and you will be bombarded with messages that tell you that you need the latest gadgets, the trendiest clothes, and the biggest houses to be happy and fulfilled. But the truth is that none of those things will fulfill you.

True riches are found in relationships. Spending money on making memories and blessing the people who are around you will be worth more to you in the long run than any expensive car or piece of jewelry. Don’t let your ego get caught up in your finances. Decide to spend your money on what is irreplaceable and precious: the relationships that God has brought into your life.

Practical Application

Look at your expenditures. Are there things you are spending too much money on that are only for your own ego? Adjust as led by the Holy Spirit and find the opportunities to spend money on the people and organizations that really matter to you.

Psalm 39:6; Ecclesiastes 1:2