Bishop Keith Butler

Jun 25

Signs, Serpents, and Safety

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18)

Believers have been given Jesus’ authority to change the world by operating in these signs. Notice that Mark didn’t use the word miracles; he said signs shall follow believers. The Greek word there is semeion; it can mean miracles, but it also means indications. Signs point in a certain direction. When we operate in the signs listed in Mark 16:17-18, we direct the world to Jesus.

The first thing on Mark’s list is that believers should cast out devils. No demon in hell has greater authority than a believer. God intends for Christians to dominate the devil with the same authority Jesus had. Don’t be afraid of demons! Instead, command them to go and watch them flee. Yes, demons are real, but they cannot harm the Christian who walks in faith and authority.

Then Mark wrote about the divine protection believers have as we follow God’s direction. The world's system has real dangers and problems apart from the devil’s influence, but the system cannot harm the believer who walks in faith and operates in the authority of Jesus. Even accidental poison and attacking serpents can’t take you out.

Last, Mark 16:18 says that the sick shouldn’t stay sick when believers operate in the authority of Jesus. Anytime you use the authority of Jesus’ name, you say, “I have His love in me. Because I operate in His love, I have authority over the realms of heaven, earth, and hell.” That means demons bow. It means earth’s systems must agree and operate accordingly, and it means angels follow your direction because you’re here to advance the kingdom and point the way to the King of kings, Jesus, our Lord.

Practical Application

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you opportunities to step out and boldly operate in the signs listed in Mark 16:17-18. Then do what Jesus said and show the world His love through your actions.

Acts 5:26; Acts 8:7