Bishop Keith Butler

May 8

The House of the Righteous

In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble. (Proverbs 15:6)

Money will not improve your life. In fact, many times, those who focus on the money they can make and become very wealthy can also have incredibly broken and destructive lives. You see it all the time on social media. How many athletes, politicians, and actors are on their third or fourth marriage and their kids are a mess? They’re wealthy, but they seem depressed and are on drugs or prescription pills. Anyone who thinks money alone makes everything better hasn’t been paying attention. Money doesn’t make things better; money just magnifies what is already happening.

I’ve heard of people who win the lottery and go bankrupt within two years. Do you know what happened to their families, their marriages, and their kids during that time? Things fell apart because they thought money would be the answer to all their problems, and it ended up being the magnifier of their current issues.

Proverbs 15:6 shows us that money is just a tool. It is neither good nor bad. It says that the righteous have treasure in their house. That means there is money, provision, and goods within their house. But because their primary identity is righteousness, their goods are blessed and protected.

The wicked, Proverbs 15:6 explains, also has money, but with their money comes problems.

Again, money is neither good nor bad. It is a tool that can be used for righteousness or a tool that can destroy.

When money is your focus, it will destroy everything in your life, but when God’s kingdom is your focus, everything you need will be added unto you.

Practical Application

How can you serve in a new way for kingdom purposes this week? Maybe that means getting to where you serve early or staying later than you usually do. Maybe that means giving something to someone God puts on your heart or encouraging someone in leadership. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you can serve in an extra way this week. Then step out and follow.

Psalm 37:16; Psalm 112:3