Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 12, 2023

The Keys of the Kingdom

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:17)

Religion is full of rituals, requirements, and recitations. Jesus came to shift our focus from external displays of religion to the internal transformation of our hearts. The three keys to unlocking the Kingdom of Heaven everywhere we go are righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Righteousness is about understanding our relationship with God. Because of the blood of Jesus, we now are in right standing with our Heavenly Father. He no longer sees your past sins. He sees you through the lens of His Son Jesus. We are not righteous because of anything we have done, but because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

Peace is not simply seeking after the absence of conflict, but a state of inner composure during times of outer chaos. Jesus slept in the middle of a storm because of the peace inside of Him. When those around Him woke Him up out of doubt, He shared the peace inside of Him with them. Jesus also calls those who follow Him to be peacemakers. That means we are the people who speak, establish, and walk in peace when chaos shows up.

Joy in the Holy Ghost is the third key Paul mentioned. When we interact with the Holy Spirit, there is always joy associated with Him. Joy is not dependent on our circumstances; it is rooted in our relationship with the Holy Spirit and how we allow Him to move in and through us. No matter what challenge or difficulty you find yourself in, praying in the Holy Ghost and listening to His voice can bring joy, even when it makes little sense.

The Kingdom is centered on a relationship with God that brings righteousness, peace, and joy to the world around us.

Practical Application

Today ask yourself, “Am I pursuing my relationship with God in righteousness?” “Am I being a peacemaker?” And “Am I acting in joy right now?” If not, change your attitude and your focus to bring Kingdom into your situations today.

Matthew 6:33; Isaiah 55:12