Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 30

The Overflow of God’s Love

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5:5)

Love means different things to the world than it does to people of faith. The world views love as an emotional feeling towards another. It constantly confuses lustful feelings with love.

The love the Bible speaks about and that believers are called to have is agape love, or God's kind of love. In Romans 5:5, Paul made it a point to let us know that God's love is not partially given to us. His love is not given in small amounts; instead, Paul explained that God’s love has been shed abroad in our hearts.

Shed abroad means God’s love was so fully given to us that there was nothing left out, and nothing missing in His love. He has given us all His love and all His heart, holding nothing back.

God’s love is not some fluffy emotion or warm sentiment we have. The agape of God is the very driving force behind everything operating in the kingdom of God. Nothing in the Bible operates without faith, but faith cannot operate without love.

In fact, our own ability to really love others can only happen because God first gave His love to us.

Practical Application

Take time today to thank God for His love towards you. Think of ways that you can express your love for God this week. Maybe it’s giving something from your heart or helping God’s church in a special way. Allow His love to transform your heart and display that love toward others.

Philippians 1:20; 1 John 4:19