Bishop Keith Butler

Nov 18, 2023

The Power of Scripture

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

The Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, directed his readers’ attention to the Old Testament Scriptures in Romans 15:4. He reminded them that the ancient texts of the Old Testament, penned by holy men of God, were inspired by God Himself. The stories, poems, teachings, and prophecies were recorded for our learning and understanding. In them, we discover valuable lessons about God's faithfulness, His dealings with humanity, and the power of His Word.

One of the remarkable gifts that Scripture gives us is the cultivation of our own patience. In a world that often rushes us, the Bible encourages us to wait on the Lord. If you are constantly anxious and in a hurry, you need to spend time in God’s Word. By reading the Old Testament, you'll meet people who remained patient and trusted in God during tough times. Their perseverance, fueled by faith in God's promises, teaches us the beauty of waiting on Him.

Life's challenges can cause us to wonder how we will get through problems we face. However, the Word of God is the power of God to all deliverance. When we seek the Word above all else, God brings us out of whatever we are dealing with. His wisdom, His power and His strength show up when we are speaking, meditating, and living His Word.

Practical Application

When you find yourself stuck, lost, or worried, make it a priority to pick up the Word of God and read it out loud. His Word brings the power of deliverance every time it is read. It changes us and it changes our circumstances.

Psalm 119:81; Romans 5:5