Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 13, 2023

The Watchman’s Warning

So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. (Ezekiel 33:7)

Watchmen were people posted on towers along the walls of a city. Their job was to look for anyone who would approach the walls that was not invited. Then they would send them away or attack if necessary.

God has set us all to be watchmen in our own right, discerning the signs of the times and listening attentively to the voice of the Lord. He will warn us of things to come, but we need to pay attention.

Recently, God spoke through me as a watchman, preaching in pulpits across the country, warning of impending challenges that were coming because the nation has not followed God’s Word. The pandemic we all faced was a part of that very judgement. Now, it’s important to note that God's warnings are not given to instill fear but to prompt His people to action. He equips us with insight, understanding, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to navigate the storms of life.

Are you receptive to God’s warning and instructions? Are you hearing, receiving, and obeying what God is telling you? Another way to ask that is, “Are you Good Ground?” Good ground, as Jesus illustrated in the parable of the sower, hears the word, receives it, and obeys it (Luke 8:15). It doesn't resist or ignore divine guidance, knowing that God's wisdom surpasses human understanding.

God knows the future and will reveal it to those who seek His guidance through the Holy Spirit. We never need to be caught unprepared or unaware of the challenges that come against us. As watchmen and women in the kingdom of God, we must embrace our role with humility and diligence. Let us be a people who not only hear God's warnings but also receive them with open hearts and respond in obedience.

Practical Application

God gives us foreknowledge of the future if we are listening. But what if we didn’t listen and we find ourselves in a storm unprepared? First, accept responsibility for not listening to His Word. Next, you must repent and seek God's forgiveness, and finally take steps to make it right.

Acts 20:20; Colossians 1:28