Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 24, 2023

The Word is Ready to Attack

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:8-10)

Romans 10:8-10 contains three powerful Greek words that bring us even greater revelation of this well-known portion of Scripture. The Greek word for word is rhema, which is defined as the spoken Word. The phrase is nigh thee in Greek is eggus. Eggus means ready. The word mouth in Greek is stoma and means the front edge of a weapon. Let’s put that altogether in the verse.

The spoken Word of God is already ready and it’s in your mouth, set to be a weapon that cuts off anything that is in front of you. In fact, that’s exactly what happened when you got saved. God delivered you from yourself by changing what could come out of your mouth.

When He brought you the Word, He also gave you the power of confession that can bring salvation. Saved is the Greek word sozo; it means more than going to heaven when you die. Sozo means that God is bringing deliverance to every part of your life. Salvation means prosperity. Salvation means healing. Salvation means deliverance from anything that the enemy is trying to attack you with. When you don’t know what to say and you can’t figure out what to confess, speak out loud, “Jesus is Lord.” The word Lord in the Greek is Kurios and means highest authority of all.

Whose authority are you defining your life by? When you complain about the problems, issues and the enemy coming against you, you have already decided that he is the Kurios and the highest authority of what will happen to you. When you refuse to speak negative thoughts and only speak the Word, you are applying the power of God in your life. Use the Word to attack the enemy!

Practical Application

What words come out of your mouth when you are stressing or worrying? You need to create a set of words and phrases that agree with what God’s Word says when you are tempted to say what you feel. Watch your words.

Deuteronomy 30:14; Hebrews 11:34