Bishop Keith Butler

2 days ago

Trust Him and His Timing

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Have you ever received an instruction from God that left your mind reeling? Maybe it didn’t connect with worldly wisdom or seemed counterintuitive to your plans. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us that God’s directives don’t always align with our ideas. His Word, like a compass, points true north even when our internal compass is spinning all over the place.

When we face these moments of doubt, we stand at a crossroads: either we can cling to our own understanding or yield to His higher ways. Truly following God and leaning on Him requires courage—the stance and ability to trust Him beyond our natural reason.

Faith often defies logic. We can be certain about who God is and how He operates, but we often live in moments of mystery about what God will do or how He will bring something to pass. Trusting God is not just about what God will do, but also leaning on His timing. When we get excited, we often move quickly. We like to get things done, and prepare for the next step. But God’s timing usually isn’t our timing.

When God speaks, it’s not always an immediate call to action. Instead, it’s an invitation to pray and prepare — to labor in the spiritual womb. Think of it like a pregnant woman. For the first several months, unseen growth happens. There might be a slight bump, but for the most part, there is no external evidence that anything is happening. In the same way, when God reveals a glimpse of your future, it’s not just a snapshot; it’s the beginning of a gestation period.

God may not show you where you are going because you’re not always ready to see it. The process is vital. If you are not careful, your impatience will blind you to its power. We all want the baby without the labor pains. Yet, the Holy Ghost helps us to birth the promise through prayer.

Practical Application

When you pray in the Spirit, you’re preparing for the push and birth of what God puts on your heart. Trust God’s timing.

Proverbs 16:3; Jeremiah 10:23