Bishop Keith Butler

Apr 21

Unfailing Love

[Charity] hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. (1 Corinthians 13:7b-8)

Love will last forever. In eternities yet to come, love will continue to endure and exist. When our languages no longer exist, when prophesies cease to exist and knowledge is no longer acquired, love will still operate powerfully. We are called to learn to walk in love as we fulfill our calling as children of God. Paul gives three aspects for us to remember about love.

The first is that charity hopeth all things; hope is the attitude of positive expectation. Love endures long because it is willing to see with hope into the future. Love, agape love, God’s love, maintains an unwavering hope that is positive in word and action.

The second is that charity endureth all things. Endurance is the ability to continue to go through difficulty and hardship while remaining steadfast in what you believe.

The third is that charity never faileth. That means love never stops; it never sees a loss. Love will see everything through and where God’s love is sown with God’s power, there will always be a victory.

Learning how to walk in love is vitally important for believers. Sowing God’s love means I must extend mercy and compassion to those around me, even when it seems most challenging. Love demands that I love my neighbor as myself, to forgive as I have been forgiven, and to bear one another's burdens when they need the help and support.

Practical Application

How can you actively sow love today? Is it a kind word and refusing to change your attitude because someone else has one? Is it giving to someone you know who has a need? Decide today to follow the Holy Spirit about how you can act on the love that is within you toward others.

Romans 8:24; 2 Timothy 2:10