Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 31, 2023

Unity in Diversity

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. (Romans 14:5)

At least once every year someone asks me about why we don’t worship on a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. The truth is that Jesus is the Sabbath rest, and today every day is the Lord’s Day. We simply have chosen as a household of faith to celebrate and worship the Lord corporately on a Sunday, as is tradition in our Western church culture. Does that mean it’s wrong to worship on a Saturday? No. Neither is it wrong to worship on a Thursday. Every day is the Lord’s Day!

Paul explained in Romans 14:5 that we are called to not put a special “holy” reference on one day over another. However, we should be fully persuaded as to why we worship the way we worship.

Being fully persuaded in your own mind means your faith is deeply rooted and led by the Holy Ghost. Some may have their corporate gatherings on certain days or observe feasts or celebrations, while others may not. What matters is the sincerity of our convictions in aligning with God’s Word and our commitment to honoring God in however we worship.

The heart of Paul’s message is a focus on the unity we should have as brothers and sisters in the Lord. We may differ in our interpretations of traditions, but our faith in Christ unites us.

Our diverse practices, perspectives, and traditions should not be a source of division. Instead, they should be an opportunity for us to learn to celebrate our differences and the variety God has put into this world. Rather than forcing our convictions on others, we should be known as people who celebrate our fellow believers. This freedom, however, should never be used as a license to sin or go against God’s Word. It is instead a freedom to worship Him in Spirit and in truth as different communities of faith all over the world.

Practical Application

Everyone doesn’t like the same worship songs as you. Some want to attend church on Saturday, others go on Sunday. Let’s focus on what’s important: worshipping God in Spirit and in truth, honoring His Word, and loving one another!

Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:42