Bishop Keith Butler

May 16

Wealth, Pleasure, and Wisdom

He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich. (Proverbs 21:17)

Positioning your whole life to please yourself will leave you lacking. The world is constantly trying to highlight our flesh’s desire for instant gratification, but it never talks about the price tag for it. Many Christians spend today’s resources without considering tomorrow’s needs. God desires to bless our lives, but never through sacrificing stewardship.

Think for a moment about the story of the prodigal son who squandered his entire inheritance on what pleased him at the moment. If we allow our own pleasure to be our master, we enslave ourselves to sin and hold ourselves back from the future God has planned for us.

The next part of Proverbs 21:17 talks about wine and oil. These two things refer to excess and extravagance. When someone is always getting the “most expensive thing” and is constantly spending on extravagance, they are setting themselves up for trouble.

In many marriages, struggles and problems happen because you have one individual that is trying to save money and another individual who is constantly spending without thinking.

If you are single and start dating, it is imperative that you pay close attention to two things financially about the person you are interested in: their debt and their spending habits.

Just because they look good does not mean that their good looks will last. In fact, if they have unhealthy habits with money, they will look ugly to you within a year, even if they have their hair done.

Practical Application

What is your stewardship plan? If you have not developed one, ask the Holy Spirit to help you create a giving goal (over and above tithe), a saving goal and a budget to keep your goals in perspective. Living with this mindset will change your life.

Proverbs 23:21; Proverbs 21:20