Bishop Keith Butler

May 17

Where Does the Interest Go?

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. (Proverbs 22:7)

Proverbs 22:7 isn’t just about financial power. This verse of wisdom is trying to get believers to understand the dynamics of who is in control of our lives. The bottom line is that money wields influence in our world. Sometimes that influence is good and people use money to advance the kingdom of God or do wonderful philanthropic works, but most of the time money is used malevolently to manipulate, oppress and push Satan’s agenda in our world.

The truth is that the wealthy generally set the rules, shape politics, and push on institutions to do their bidding.

When a Christian takes a loan from a wealthy person, or organization, that puts them in covenant with them. All loans include interest which the borrower pays. Have you ever researched or wondered where your interest goes? Even in America, many of our financial institutions are using the money you pay them in interest to fund terrorism and other unholy alliances with institutions that fight against God’s Word and support the destruction of the family. See, debt creates invisible chains by creating a covenant with an institution or person who may not be supporting kingdom purposes.

God always wants for freedom for His children. He wants His people to thrive and not be bound to the world’s system. The problem is we often trade our independence for immediate gratification.

Proverbs 22:7 is not just about financial wisdom; it’s about our allegiance. Whom do you serve? God or mammon? What’s more important to you? The kingdom of God or the god of this world? Where your interest goes matters.

Practical Application

Have you ever researched what the bank that holds your mortgage or your credit card company supports? Have you looked at where the interest goes? Take a moment to research and repent if you see that you have been supporting unholy institutions. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you out of debt and toward institutions that you would be blessed to support.

Romans 13:8; Proverbs 3:27