Bishop Keith Butler

Jan 23

Your Own Company

And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. (Acts 4:23)

Jude, in his epistle, issued a poignant statement about the importance of having a home church. It's a cautionary note to all believers urging us to exercise discernment and vigilance about who we listen to. We should ensure that their teachings are solid.

It is important that believers go to their “own company” — a community of believers, a local church, a fellowship where individuals can find grounding and support. Our world is saturated with diverse teachings and ideologies, especially in these days of the internet and streaming. Many preachers sound like they have revelation, but they only have showmanship and marketing abilities. The need for a discerning spirit becomes imperative.

Not every enticing message or charismatic speaker aligns with the truth of God's Word.

I’ve seen it happen way too many times where someone who sat under good teaching began jumping from place to place, from preacher to preacher, seeking spiritual nourishment without discernment. The emphasis is clear: don't hastily embrace every doctrine or teaching that comes your way. Instead, invest time in studying the Word of God for yourself. Individuals drawn by charismatic personalities or enticing messages often find themselves confused and in theological error and spiritual danger. The remedy, as highlighted in Acts 4:23, is to return to their own company—to the community of believers where they are known, nurtured, and grounded in the foundational truths of the faith.

Every believer must find a place where the Word is preached with integrity, where believers are committed to growing together in the knowledge of God, and where fellowship strengthens their faith.

You don’t need a YouTube theologian. You need a church, and you need a pastor.

Practical Application

Pray for your pastor this week. Thank God for the House of Faith He has put you into and if you are led, encourage your pastor through a gift or a card and tell them how much of a blessing they are to you.

Acts 15:22; Psalm 119:63