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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. (Proverbs 10:4)

The word diligent in this verse means someone who has a spirit of determination and a willingness to fight through challenges. It usually refers to someone who is always willing to take initiative and persevere in the face of obstacles. It means someone with grit and gumption who will do what it takes to see something succeed, no matter what. Whether this means a business God has given you, a relationship you know God put you in, or any other endeavor for kingdom purposes, the diligent person refuses to be discouraged or back down.

How does the wisdom of Proverbs 10:4 apply to your life today?

First, look at how you approach tasks, problems, and challenges when they come. Do you say, “Que Sera Sera” and just hope for the best without showing determination and focus? Some people think that is the attitude of someone who is trusting God, but that’s not true. Trusting God isn’t doing nothing and hoping that it works out in the end. Trusting God is being willing to work with Him, hearing from Him what to do, and doing it!

Are you willing to say, “I’ll fight for this,” and “I’ll to do whatever it takes to see the victory in this situation?” That’s the mindset of someone God calls diligent. 

I want to be known as someone who is diligent in everything I put my hand to. When I say everything, I mean everything. I will be diligent in my relationships, in the opportunities God gives me, and in my spiritual life. I want to be known as someone who will work hard and be determined to see God’s plans succeed. If we are diligent, faith-filled, and faithful, we will see the fullness of the richness of God's blessings in our lives.

Practical Application

Take time to cultivate diligence. For your work and your relationships, set clear goals, take initiative, and don’t give up during difficulties. The diligent approach will lead to God’s blessings in all the areas of our lives.

Proverbs 13:4; Proverbs 21:5

  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall. (Proverbs 10:8)

According to this proverb, wisdom doesn’t start in the mind. Wisdom comes from the heart. It’s not about having a high IQ or a substantial amount of education; it’s about having a heart that knows the difference between truth (God’s Word) and fact (what the “experts” say). The only way to have a heart that is wise is to constantly operate in the five elements of faith. First, hear God’s Word. Find out what God has said, deciding to receive it, believe it, speak it, and finally, put God’s Word into action.

Wise people are usually very humble in their pursuit of wisdom. I know many Christians who have been quick to offer their opinions, quick to tell others how to do things, but not quick to listen to the Holy Spirit and resist the guidance of those God has placed in their lives.

The opposite of those with a wise heart are the prating fools, according to Proverbs. The fool refuses to hear from the Word of God or wise counsel. When someone shares wisdom with them, they react with anger. I’ve met many fools who show up at churches on Sundays. When God gives them wisdom in the message that He directed the Pastor to teach, instead of hearing and changing their lives, they get angry at the messenger! Our world is full of YouTube theologians and personalities who yell their opinions on any platform available but will not listen to those who have wisdom from the Word of God.

Because our world is full of these opinionated, foolish personalities, finding people who operate in humility can be challenging. I want to be counted among the wise in heart.

Practical Application

What has God instructed you to do? Listen attentively, receive His guidance, and step out with purpose to follow His wisdom.

Proverbs 14:16; Proverbs 12:1

  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. (Proverbs 9:13)

Have you ever met someone that you would call foolish? I can think of many moments in my life when I met individuals who, like the foolish woman described in Proverbs 9:13, were clamorous and created chaos wherever they went. When you meet a foolish person, you should respond with patience and wisdom. A wise person will maintain their peace and follow the Holy Spirit when the foolish are making all the noise. Proverbs also tells us that the foolish are those who believe their own way is right, no matter what wisdom is shared with them. We should examine our own hearts and attitudes when it comes to dealing with problems. True wisdom comes from being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and hearkening to the wise counsel that God has placed in our lives.

Proverbs explains we are called to embrace humility and seek counsel, recognizing that our own fleshly understanding is limited.

Let’s try to improve our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and our patience to endure troublesome people and difficult moments. Then, let’s refuse to be clamorous simply because we don’t like the present moment. Be the peacemaker God has called you to be.

Practical Application

When voices get loud and a situation becomes tense, decide to be the person who makes peace in the atmosphere and seeks understanding, not the person who makes a commotion to be heard.

Proverbs 7:11; Proverbs 5:6


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