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Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

A Powerful Trio

Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. (2 Timothy 1:2)

In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he mentions a powerful trio. They are three treasures that God offers to every believer: grace, mercy, and peace.

Let’s start by focusing on the treasure of mercy. The Greek word for mercy is eleos. It paints a picture of compassionate, tenderhearted love. It embodies the idea of someone who is deeply moved by the suffering, distress, and infirmities of others. It's the kind of mercy that leads to action. As we come before the throne of God boldly, God promises He will approach us with mercy. When you come to God confidently knowing His character, He doesn't turn away from you. He extends His mercy. Why? Because His love for you compels Him to forgive.

His grace represents the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who empowers us, encourages us, and emboldens us to do whatever God has called us to do. We can never fully walk in the grace of God if we have not first received the mercy of God. When we know God is merciful, we can then walk in the power that He has given. That power gives us a peace that lasts because no matter what the world throws our way, His peace is stronger and longer lasting than any problem that I may face.

When life's difficulties seem overwhelming and your own inadequacies feel as if they’re weighing you down, it is important that we boldly come before God’s throne. Then we can, in the presence of our loving Father, experience the mercy and the grace we need, and walk in the peace He gives.

His mercy covers our past, His grace empowers our present, and His peace allows us to face the future with faith.

Practical Application

When you face fear or anxiety about a situation or problem, go quickly before the throne of God in prayer. Thank Him for His mercy over your mistakes, receive His grace and empowerment for the moment, and expect to walk in peace despite the storm.

Romans 1:7; Acts 16:1

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