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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

A Proper Perspective on Money

For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. (Ecclesiastes 7:12)

Take a moment to think about how you view and treat money. Do you want more of it? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who did not want more money. God’s Word has much to say about finances. In fact, it tells us many ways people can increase in wealth. Some of those are good and some are evil. You can increase in wealth God’s way and add no sorrow to your life, or you can increase in wealth apart from God and bring curses along with the money.

How you view money makes all the difference. Do you view it as a source of security or a defense in your life? How we view money truly influences not only our financial decisions but our values and behavior every day of our life.

Ecclesiastes 7:12 says that money is a defense. It can be used as a tool to protect you, but money will not be your protector. Do not allow your money to be your god, but also don’t make money the devil.

Money is a tool that is meant to be used for the kingdom. God wants to increase you, protect you, provide for you and many times, how He does that is through money. When we live our lives in fear of the Lord—respecting His authority, seeking His guidance, and aligning our actions with His Word — we gain access to the treasuries of heaven that provide for us the resources we need for protection and prosperity. Don’t seek money; seek wisdom from God’s Word. Money is a side effect of a life that prioritizes God.

Practical Application

The best financial literacy comes from finding what God’s Word has to say about money. The Bible is full of wisdom, insight, and the dangers and pitfalls that come from how we handle money. Search the Word for scriptures that have to do with God’s view on finances; it will help you handle money the right way.

Isaiah 33:6; Proverbs 3:18

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