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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

All in Faith

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (Romans 14:22-23)

Paul wrote a powerful question to the Christians in Rome: “Do you have faith?” It’s an important question we must all ask ourselves. “Do I really have faith, or am I simply ‘spiritual’ or ‘churchy’?”

To truly answer the question, we must first define faith.

Faith comes from the Greek word pistis and represents an absolute trust in God. Faith isn’t just a feeling that we have or a conviction that we hold to; it is an unwavering assurance that God is guiding, directing, and involved in our lives. It’s the understanding that when we choose to live according to His Word and listen to His voice, we know His goodness and mercy will follow.

Paul emphasized the happiness of those who do not condemn themselves. This happiness isn't rooted in the lack of difficulty, trials, or doubts, but in the assurance that our decisions, made in faith, are pleasing to God. It's a happiness that transcends circumstances, a joy grounded knowing that we walk in His will.

Paul also addressed those who doubt. He reminded us that acting without faith leads to condemnation. When we allow doubt to guide our actions, we decide to act against our spirit.

The crux of the matter here was faith. Paul was saying whatever we do, whether it's eating, working, or making choices, should be done in faith. Faith is our compass, guiding us through life’s difficulties and complexities. Faith in God and faith in God’s Word are the only things that can truly allow us to live in confident happiness before God.

Practical Application

When you need to make small or large decisions, seek God's guidance in His Word and trust in His wisdom. In doing so, you can experience the happiness that comes from living a life that aligns with His will.

1 John 3:21; Acts 24:16

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