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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Bold Faith, Unstoppable Transformation

For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. (Romans 10:12)

What a life-changing revelation Paul shared in his epistles to the first century church. To those of us who have been raised in church, this may not mean much, but to the Roman Christians reading this letter in a synagogue, Paul’s statement in Romans 10:12 was revolutionary!

It doesn’t matter where you are from or what your background is, God will meet you there and transform you into a new creature if you allow Him to. Paul explained God is rich to everyone who will call on His name.

Even in corners of the world where the Christian faith is met with danger, a powerful revival is sweeping. It’ even happening in Muslim countries! Jesus is appearing to Muslims in dreams and visions and showing them who He is. They are responding to Him, realizing there's only one name above all names, and it's Jesus. He's the Ultimate Authority!

That’s true for the lives of Muslims, tribal, and aboriginal people all over the world and it’s true for your life as well.

The reason why you came to faith is that someone released the Word into your life. They spoke and declared, and you heard it and chose to respond to what God had revealed. When you hear revelation, the next step is to speak it out of your mouth. God uses His sword, the Word of God, to dismantle anything that tries to stand in the way of His will being accomplished in and through you.

Do you remember when God spoke the impossible to Abram—that he would be the father of many nations? Abram’s and Sarai’s bodies were past the age of having children, so Abraham had to use his words of faith to see the power of God released. He said, “It doesn’t matter if I’m 99. If God said it, I can produce. And not just a little bit. I’m the father of many many nations.” He called on the name of the Lord and rejoiced that what He promised, He would do!

Practical Application

What impossible thing needs to happen in your life? It doesn’t matter where you come from or what your background is. Decide that you will only speak what God says. Call on His name; speak His Word and see extraordinary results.

Acts 10:34; Psalm 86:5

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