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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Choose what You Hear

And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. (Mark 4:24)

Most people don’t understand how hearing repeated words, phrases or songs can influence them. What you allow yourself to hear will affect the life you live.

On our first day as Bible school students, my wife Deborah and I were sitting in the front row. In my free time, I frequently watched sports, and that year one commercial with a catchy tune ran several times during each game. It was for a popular beer brand. I still remember it to this day: “I have Pabst blue ribbon on my mind, more and more lately I find. I’ve got a taste for living. That cold blue ribbon. I have Pabst blue ribbon on my mind.”

As I sat in Bible school, waiting for the prophet of God to come through the door, my wife kicked me! I was like, “What are you hitting me for?” She said, “You are singing a beer commercial, and the prophet is about to walk through the door?!” I had heard it so much that it had become a part of my consciousness, and I didn’t even know I was humming it.

Words are not neutral; they have the power to shape our thoughts and our decisions. That’s why Jesus placed an emphasis on guarding our hearing. The words we expose ourselves to can either build our faith or destroy it. Think about what you allow to go into your ears and in front of your eyes. This includes the daily news, social media, and even casual conversations with people in the workplace. There are faith-draining and faith-building words floating around all the time. Choose wisely what you allow yourself to hear.

Practical Application

Be intentional about the words and messages you expose yourself to. There is no such thing as a neutral song, a neutral conversation, or a neutral word. The words we hear either build up our faith or destroy it. Choose what you hear wisely.

Genesis 8:22; Matthew 13:4

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