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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Don’t Let the Devil Pounce

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

You have an enemy, but he only has the power that you let him have. Perhaps you noticed that 1 Peter 5:8-9 does not call the devil an attacking lion; he’s described as a roaring one. Lions don’t roar when they are about to attack. They roar to intimidate their enemy and to get other threats out of their territory. Lions are silent when they’re about to pounce on their prey because their roar would make them run.

Peter wrote to the Christians in his day and to us, saying that Satan constantly walks around trying to find an opportunity to intimidate God’s people. Sometimes it works. People hear about threats and sickness and dangers, and they become so fearful they’re immobilized; then the devil can attack. In fact, the Greek word for walketh about is peripateó. It means to continually circle around in the same way repeatedly. The devil will try the same temptations, the same attacks, and the same words just to see if one day you might give up and let him take you out.

The devil is not as capable as he pretends to be. That’s why Peter told us to be sober and vigilant; when we’re aware and attentive, we can always beat him with God’s Word. To be sober is to abstain from alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Some people get intoxicated with wine, but others get intoxicated by their emotions. Peter was telling us to live life so such things do not cloud our minds, so we don’t give the enemy an opportunity to attack. Peter also told us is to be vigilant. That simply means to be watchful. We should guard our thoughts, words, and places we go so the enemy can’t take us out.

Practical Application

How sober and vigilant are you? Ask the Holy Spirit to check your heart and see if there is anything you need to change with your life to get out of any addiction or distraction that might allow the devil to pounce.

John 8:44; Ephesians 4:27

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