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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Embracing Wisdom

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)

What exactly does it mean to fear the Lord? It doesn’t mean being afraid of Him. Fearing God means being in awe of Him and respecting Him above everyone and everything else.

Living our lives based on God being first, God being honored, and God being our focus means we will display humility in our daily lives. Those who fear God know God is why we have any wisdom, strength, or ability in our lives to begin with.

Proverbs 8:13 tells us that if we truly fear God, we will equally hate what God hates. Proverbs lists those as evil, pride, arrogance, the evil way and the froward mouth.

Hating evil - this does not mean that we have a lukewarm feeling about things the Bible is against. It means there is a fervent rejection of anything that is outside of God’s will.

Hating pride - The world celebrates self-confidence and self-importance, but the fear of the Lord comes with humility, focusing on the fact that God is the giver of every good thing that we have.

Hating arrogance - Exaggeration of your own importance or exploits is a dangerous way to live life. Someone who constantly must “one-up” others in stories or belongings is not someone who is embracing the “fear of the Lord.” They are arrogant and cannot receive the wisdom God provides.

Hating the evil way - This point is speaking of individuals who have walked away from God’s path and plan and have walked with people and followed societal norms that are against scripture.

Hating the froward mouth - This phrase literally means a mouth that is perverse and twisted. We should resist the desire or idea to say whatever we think or feel. Swearing, complaining, and evil speech are not to be done by someone with a fear of the Lord.

Practical Application

Seek the Lord’s direction in relationships and decision-making. The fear of the Lord should be a compass that guides our choices and our lives.

Job 28:28: Ecclesiastes 12:13

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