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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Ethical Wealth

He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. (Proverbs 22:16)

Oppression is a serious word. People who have wealth have an opportunity to bless their community and those around them, or they can use, manipulate, and oppress others.

Money is not evil; it is simply a tool. However, if we are not careful, we can be driven by self-interest. Some are so driven they will sacrifice the things that are important to God to gain wealth.

Solomon, one of the wealthiest men ever to live, had some things to say about wealth. He asked us to have a paradigm shift in how we think about gaining money. Instead of seeing prosperity as a zero-sum game where my gain means someone else’s loss, we need to think of how we gain wealth as stewardship.

Real wealth is not measured by bank accounts, land, and businesses. True wealth is found in the impact we make on other’s lives.

God adopted you into the royal family of the kingdom of heaven, and as ambassadors of that kingdom, we have a responsibility for how we treat others. If you misuse the position to create the wealth and the power only to line your own pockets, there will be consequences.

Unethical practices that compromise God’s values will push people away from God, the church, and the Bible. You will have to answer for those who turn away from God because of your actions. God will reward you for not taking advantage of others and doing right.

Practical Application

If you’re a landlord, how do you determine when to raise your tenant’s rent? If you’re an employer, how do you decide when to give your employees a raise or a bonus? Pray about every business decision you make so you can continue to create wealth ethically. Align your decisions with God’s will and His Word, and He will continue to bless you beyond measure!

Psalm 12:5; Job 20:19

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